Swim Team Prep: This is for the swimmer that is ready to take on swim team or is currently on a swim team. In this 8 day class they will work one on one with a competitive college swimmer. They will work on fine tuning their strokes freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. They also will work on correct starts, racing dives, and flip turns. You'll see huge improvements in their races after this one on one attention.
Semi Private Lessons: (For intermediate/advanced swimmers only.) If your child can swim the freestyle stroke using a sideways breath and can swim backstroke, then you may combine with another child to save on costs. In this semi-private lesson they will work on all of the strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, elementary back stroke, butterfly, and sidestroke. They also will work on correct starts, dives, flip turns, and even life saving techniques. The cost is $155 per child rather than $239.
Boy Scout Merit Badge: Earning the Swimming Boy Scout Merit Badge is a challenging process. We help teach the boys the different drills and requirements. Karalynne, the owner, is a Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselor. She can then pass off all the swimming requirements and the boys are ready to receive that merit badge.
Cub Scout Certification: This includes passing off arrow points and badge requirements for Tigers, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos. We also teach and pass of requirements for the swimming belt loop and swimming pin.
Lifeguarding: If you are hosting a swim party and would like a lifeguard to lifeguard the pool while you are busy being the host, we'll take care of that for you. We will send you a certified lifeguard that is also great with kids. Just what you want for a party. The current rate for lifeguarding is $35 per hour.